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Help us
finish Fungi4Land

We’ve made great progress since our crowd funding campaigns.
Since the first campaign in May-July 2018 which raised $38,130. The core ten chapters of the Fungi4Land book have been drafted by Sapphire, Roz and our 26 authors.
We then had a successful campaign to raise $16320 to illustrate Fungi4land to improve everyone’s understanding of how fungi interact with other species.
We are now putting ideas, words and pictures together. We still need help to get the book published and in the hands of people who need it.
Creating an engaging & attractive book…
We have already raised funds for professional illustrations. We also want to fund full colour printing to make the most of the illustrations and colour images.
We need your help!
To increase understanding by readers of Fungi4Land we are now looking for the funds to have finish editing, pre-press, printing & marketing.
Thanks to these and some anonymous donors for the financial support.
Massive fungi love to our biggest supporters of Fungi4Land:
Susan Humphries and her Ngaruk Fund, Frances Guard and Bob Philpot, Royal Society of Victoria, Martin from Greening Australia Gippsland, Australasian Mycological Society, Terry McMullan, La Trobe Valley Field Naturalists, Queensland Mycological Society, Lyn Proud, Kirsten Tullis, Tony Hodge, Kay Conway, Nick O’Connor, Field Naturalists’ Club of Ballarat and Main Creek Catchment Landcare Group.
We are given heart that so many wonderful individuals have also donated to Fungi4Land. Please go to our thank-you page to find the names of these amazing folk.